Responsible for the content
Marcus Malkut Foundation
Städtle 28
9490 Vaduz
Fürstentum Liechtenstein
T +423 237 75 85
Authorised representatives
Dr. Marcus König
lic.iur. Martin Gstoehl
Harald Mally
Commercial register no.
Regulatory authority
Aeulestrasse 70
9490 Vaduz
© Copyright Marcus Malkut Stiftung
Implementation of the website
Sitewalk - Websites & Online Marketing
Hocus & Pocus AG
Disclaimer (limitation of liability)
This is the website of the Marcus Malkut Foundation (hereinafter referred to as "website operator"). The following statements apply to all pages and sub-pages of this website. Persons who access these web pages and retrieve information declare their agreement with the following provisions:
The website operator makes every effort to ensure the secure operation of the website. Nevertheless, deficiencies such as loss or falsification of data, virus attack, interruption of operations, etc. cannot be ruled out. Access to the website is therefore at the user's own risk and responsibility.
Exclusion of liability
The website operator disclaims all liability for damage or consequential damage resulting from access to its website or individual parts thereof (such as downloaded documents), their use (or from the impossibility of access or use) or links to other websites.
Disclaimer of warranty
The website operator accepts no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the website operator relating to material or non-material damage caused by the use of the information provided are excluded. The website operator expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without separate announcement.
Linked websites (links)
Some of the websites contain links to websites of third parties. The website operator accepts no responsibility for their content, the products, services or other offers offered on them or for compliance with data protection regulations. Activation of a link is at the user's own risk.